橿原 0744 20 3866・田原本 0744 48 0040・木津川 0774 26 7092 info@english-please.com

This month, English-Please! welcomes two new teachers to Kashihara – Mike Kane and Gordi Whitelaw. They both have extensive teaching experience and are really looking forward to being a part of the team.

Mike is from Boston in the USA. Most recently he was teaching at an eikaiwa in Osaka, as well as working at a high school. He is married to a Japanese lady and together they live in Nara with their two young children. Mike enjoys playing tennis, hiking, and travel. He is also interested in learning about Japanese culture.

Gordi is from Vancouver in Canada. He has taught English both here in Japan and in the Czech Republic. Like Mike, he has a Japanese wife, two young kids, and they all live here in Nara. Gordi likes weightlifting, karaoke, and yakitori. He is also a fan of the Star Wars movies.

Keep an eye out for Mike and Gordi around the school. They are both very friendly and eager to get started. They really want to get to know all of the students here so don’t forget to say hello when you see them!

Let’s have a great Semester 2 with our new EP! teachers!


今月、EP!に2人の新しい教師 Mike KaneとGordi Whitelawを迎えました。彼らは2人とも豊かな教授経験を持ち、EP!チームの一員になることを楽しみにしています。

マイクは米国のボストン出身です。最近まで大阪の英会話教室や高校での授業を行っていました。彼は日本の女性と結婚し、2人の幼い子供とともに奈良に住んでいます。 マイクの趣味はテニス、ハイキング、旅行です。また、日本文化について学ぶことにも興味があります。


2人ともとてもフレンドリーで、皆様に教え始めるのを楽しみにしています。彼らは本当に生徒様皆様を知りたいので、2人を見かけた時は ”Hello” と声をかけてください!

