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私の水曜日の17:00 YLE-Mクラスは今年もこれまでのところ、とても順調に頑張っています。 このクラスは全員、去年も私のクラスで、EP!でもお家でもたくさん努力をしてくれました。 今年も変わらずお家で、学校で、頑張ってくれています。特に日記はとても質が高く、私も毎回楽しみにしています。

初音矯正では/ l /や/ r /などの似たような音を区別しつつ、正確に発音することができます。 新しい文法にはすぐに気付き、以前に取り上げたことすべてを使って自身の質問や文章を作り始めています。 このクラスのみんなは、これ以上ないくらいに成長してくれています。 だから、Mちゃん#1、Mちゃん#2、Yちゃん#1、そしてYちゃん#2、みんなは先生の誇りです! これからもみんなで頑張りましょうね!

My Wednesday 17:00 YLE-M is doing great so far this year. They were all with me last year for YLE-S, during which time they put in a lot of effort both in the classroom and at home. I’m happy to say that the trend has continued into this year. They are submitting some really high quality diary entries that I am always interested to read.
They are performing really well during Hatsuon Kyousei, able to differentiate between similar sounds such as /l/ and /r/ and reproduce those sounds accurately. They are quick to catch on when new grammar is introduced and they are starting to formulate their own questions and sentences using all that we have covered previously. I couldn’t be happier with their progress. So, to M-chan #1, M-chan #2, Y-chan #1, and Y-chan #2 – I’m really proud of you girls! Keep up the great work!
