橿原 0744 20 3866・田原本 0744 48 0040・木津川 0774 26 7092 info@english-please.com


いくつかキャンセルはありましたが、お申込みいただいたほとんんどのご家族にご参加いただけ、誰に聞いても、とても楽しかったとお答えいただけるイベントになりました。こんなに天候に恵まれて、本当に幸運です! ( EP!史上最高気温でのピクニックとなりましたが、日陰のスペースも十分にありましたので。。)


The annual English-Please! Kids Picnic is all over for this year. Thank you to everyone who attended and helped contribute to an awesome day. Special congratulations to the Blue Team, this year’s winners of the picnic day events!

Although we had a few last-minute cancellations, the majority of the thirty families who signed up were able to make it, and by all accounts everyone had a good time. We were fortunate to have some really nice weather – though it was the hottest picnic on record, there was enough cloud cover to keep things cool.

The egg hunt activity was probably the highlight of the day. The kids really loved racing around trying to collect the eggs, with everyone really keen to find the ones that contained the candy! Parental participation was once again great – a special thank you to those parents who tried their hand at pushing the yoga ball, running the egg-and-spoon, and jumping in sacks!

Thanks again to everyone who helped contribute to another wonderful picnic. Hope to see everyone at Picnic 2020!
