橿原 0744 20 3866・田原本 0744 48 0040・木津川 0774 26 7092 info@english-please.com

Well, the annual English-Please Picnic is over for another year. Thank you to everyone who came along and shared in a truly great day. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we did!

Although we had a few last-minute cancellations, the majority of the thirty families who signed up were able to attend, making this the largest event English-Please has ever had. We were fortunate to have some really nice weather, sunny without being too hot, and it was perhaps the coolest it has ever been on a picnic day.

The new egg hunt activity was well received by everyone. The kids really loved racing around trying to collect those, and a lucky few managed to find the golden eggs. Parental participation was at an all-time high, too. It was awesome to see the mums and dads doing their best balancing balls and jumping in sacks. Hats off to all you parents!

Thanks again to everyone who helped contribute to the best picnic ever. Hope to see you at Picnic 2019!


本当に素晴らしい日に一緒に来てくれたみなさん、ありがとう。 みんなが楽しんでくれたと思っています!

30人の家族の大半が出席でき、これは今までの英語の中で最大のイベントです。 私たちは本当に素晴らしい天気にも恵まれ、暑すぎずパーフェクトでした。今までで一番涼しい気候のピクニックだったそうです。

新しい競技のエッグハントは誰もが好評でした。 子供たちはそれらを収集しようと頑張っておられましたね。 保護者様の参加は最高でした。

今年最高のピクニックに貢献してくださった皆様に感謝しています。 ピクニック2019でお会いしましょう!


