橿原 0744 20 3866・田原本 0744 48 0040・木津川 0774 26 7092 info@english-please.com

Rちゃんはとても頼りになるクラスリーダーに成長しました。 Hちゃんはいつもみんなを助けてくれ、レッスンも本当に頑張ります。


My Tuesday P1 class has done a great job making the big leap from Pre-Phonics to Phonics. The girls in this class have a ton of positive energy and are not afraid to try their best when speaking or writing English in class. R-chan has grown into a strong and helpful class leader. H-chan is always extra-helpful and tries hard every lesson.
U-chan is the newest member of this group but she brings a lot of energy to the room and is never shy. K-chan and N-chan are a little more quiet, but they can light up the room with their smiles and they are both very kind and friendly. This whole group seems to really enjoy studying together. There is always a lot of laughter in this class, as well. I think the girls have really made a big jump in their ability and willingness to produce English in the classroom. It makes me very happy as a teacher to have such positive and enthusiastic students.
