橿原 0744 20 3866・田原本 0744 48 0040・木津川 0774 26 7092 info@english-please.com


Rちゃんはグループで唯一の女の子ですが、彼女はとてもフレンドリーで、他の男の子たちとも仲良くしています。彼女のBoard Expressは、とてつもなく綺麗にかけていて、間違いも全くありません。


Kくんは語彙力をかなり向上させています。レッスン中にもたくさん学習していますが、バッジパックのセクションからも大変多くを学びとっています。レッスン中のどんなアクティビティにも常に前向きな姿勢で参加してくれ、他のみんなのモチベーションを大いにあげてくれます。Kくんも Tくんみたいに面白くて、みんなをよく笑わせます。



I often eat my lunch at around 3pm, so I am often full, happy (that I am full) but I get a little tired after eating my lunch – like most people do. There is a 4 pm class which always gives me an energy boost and I look forward to seeing everyone in this class.

R-chan is the only girl in the group but she is very friendly and gets along with all the boys. Her Board Express is extremely neat and tidy without any mistakes. Her spelling has improved hugely and she puts a lot of effort into all the different parts of the class.

T-kun has improved his spelling by sounding out the phonics that we have studied during class, which is so fantastic. He always provides a lot of output throughout the lesson, especially during Animal Planet! He provides a lot of energy and lightens the class mood by being funny.

K-kun’s speaking vocabulary has expanded greatly. He learns a lot of useful language throughout the lesson but he gets the most from the Badge Pack section of the lesson. He always participates in all aspects of the lesson with a good positive attitude which really motivates everyone. Like T-kun, he is funny and can make everyone giggle with a joke.

Y-kun started the school year quite shy. Now, he provides a lot of good output and he joins in all the activities with a lot of enthusiasm, especially during the Badge Pack, Phonics Factory and Animal Planet. He is quite helpful and assists me from time to time. Like the other boys, he is very funny and can make the class atmosphere lite. This class always picks me up and leaves me happy for the rest of the day. Great job guys and thank you.
