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今年7月、8月の MVD(授業参観)アンケートにご協力いただきありがとうございました。










まず、MVDについてです。MVDの満足度は89%から83%に低下しました。 ビデオで見ていただくため、レッスン内容が古い(数週間前)とのコメントをいただきました。撮影からMVDまでの期間を1カ月未満になるように努めましたが、すべてのクラスを確実にカバーするためには、撮影とMVDまでに数週間かかりました。回線などカメラの状態を安定させることができれば、通常のビデオMVDに加えて、2019年には追加でライブ視聴していただけるようにしたいと思います。カフェや大人の待合室で見ていただける予定です。来年の早い時期に予定を発表いたします。


次はニュースレターについてです。ニュースレターの満足度は、2017年の77%から2018年の73%に低下しました。これは内容の問題と、メールでのニュースレター受信の問題によるものです。メールに関しては、今年9月から来年3月にかけて、生徒様全員のメールアドレスを確認し、お知らせメールとニュースレターが確実に届くように努力してまいります。もしメールアドレス等を変更されたら、マネージャーにお知らせください。また、必ずお知らせニュースレターをお届けできるように、新しいEP-Kids.comホームページにプッシュ通知を導入したり、「Machi Komi」サービスを開始する予定です。 2018年11月に詳細を発表します。そして2019年4月から、新しいニュースレターシステムが導入されます。2019年初頭に詳細を発表する予定です。





カリキュラムと日本の英語教育政策に関心のあるすべての保護者様にはぜひ参加していただきたいと思っております。このセミナーによって、コースを更新する前にカリキュラムがどのように改善されているかについて、保護者様にもっと知っていただければと思います(更新の期限は2月28日です)。 2018年後半に参加方法の詳細を発表します。






Matthew Reynolds

President English-Please株式会社


As many of you will know, we had our Mother Viewing Day survey in July and August this year. 218 people completed the form. This is a very important survey as it helps us decide policy for the upcoming academic year. Many of your comments and selections will influence the April 2019 to March 2020 services and courses. To allow students to influence policy in this way is not possible in a large chain company but as an independent school it is wonderful to be in the position to give the students this voice. In some cases, parents took as much as an hour to write comments for us. This is incredible and deeply appreciated. Thank you so much to every parent, guardian or teen that completed the survey, in every case, your voice counts.

As I mentioned last month, satisfaction with teachers, managers, Reading Tree. homepage and many courses increased from 2017 to 2018.

Following on from last month, I would like to describe some of the responses where the school performed worse than last year.

The first is MVD itself, the satisfaction with MVD decreased from 89% to 83%. One comment was that the video system used old clips (from a few weeks before), we will try to make sure the gap is less than one month but to make sure every class gets covered and that we have no broken feeds we need a few weeks between videoing a lesson and showing a lesson. If we can get the cameras to be stable, we will do some extra live viewing sessions in 2019 in addition to the regular MVD videos. These will be available in the cafe and adults waiting room and we will announce the schedule early next year.

Next was the newsletter. The satisfaction with the newsletter went down from 77% in 2017 to 73% in 2018. We know some of this is due to content and some is due to receiving the newsletter through email. With regards to email, we are making a consolidated effort from September 2018 to March 2019 to check every student’s email and to make sure every notification and newsletter works. If you change your email address at any point, please let the manger know. We will also be introducing push notifications to the new EP-Kids.com homepage and start a “Machi Komi” service to make sure no message, alert or newsletter is undelivered. We will announce more details in November 2018. From April 2019, a new newsletter system will be in place. We will announce details of this in early 2019.

Finally, what people want us to improve most. For this response the call for a ‘better curriculum’ went up from 31.9% to 39.4% as the most important chance requested by parents. In Japan, there are some major changes ahead in English language education, both in terms of how English is taught and how English is tested. The English-Please! Kids Curriculum is very well suited to these changes as we have always made our curriculums “4 ginou”. However, the way in which our curriculum aligns with national guidelines and the Eiken exam will change from 2019 so that what we teach is even better matched to what teenagers in Japan are expected to know. To help parents better understand what is happening in Japan and also how the 2019 English-Please! curriculum is being updated, we will be running a special, free, seminar event on February 3, 2019. All parents interested in the curriculum and Japanese English education policy are strongly encouraged to attend. This seminar is timed so that any parent can know more about how the next curriculum is better to the last before renewing (the deadline for renewal is February 28). We will announce more details of how to join in late 2018.

Once again, thank you so much for all your comments and for taking the time to give us feedback. We are very much looking forward to the changes we can make to make every student and parents 100% satisfied with everything we do at English-Please!


Matthew Reynolds

President English-Please株式会社
