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Meet Your Sensei!

Welcome to the newest section of the English-Please newsletter. Here you’ll have a chance to learn about your favorite English-Please teachers. We’ll be introducing our teaching staff throughout the year, starting with this month’s pick: Me, Matthew Ray Freel, also know as Matt sensei.

Q: Where are you from? What’s our favorite thing about your home country?

A: I’m from Alaska, which is in the United States of America. My favorite thing about Alaska is the wilderness. I was no stranger to hiking, outdoor sports, hunting and fishing. I loved the outdoors so much that I’d go camping in winter. You can spend weeks outdoors without ever seeing other people in Alaska. It’s a unique type of freedom.

Q: What did you enjoy doing when you were a kid?

A: In the summer I would ride my bicycle all over town and play baseball.  In the winter I liked to go skiing and ice skating, but when it was too cold outside I would just stay inside and play Nintendo.

Q: What did you do before becoming an English teacher?

A: During and after university, I had a wide variety of jobs. I was a construction worker when I was younger, then I was a barista for several years, and I even had a job riding horses for a short while. I ended up becoming a Japanese-Speaking Alaska tour guide as one of my last jobs before coming to Japan. 

Q: What’s your favorite Japanese food?

A: That’s an easy question: My wife’s oyakodon. It’s the best. But I also really like sushi and takoyaki.

Q: Why did you want to live in Japan?

A: I studied Japanese in high school and at the University of Alaska. I have always been fascinated by Japanese language and culture. Japan is a place full of history and beauty. I came here to study Japanese and experience Japan and it’s culture for myself.

As always, thank you all for reading. Next month: Ryan sensei.


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