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“How do you say this word?”
“How do you say squeeze in Japanese?”
“How do you write the letter H?”


X They trap them with th
eir bubbles.
O They trap them with
their bubbles.



This is the last article for our 6 part newsletter series where we have been giving advice on how to get the most out of doing the new Badges Homework Booklets for Phonics 1, 2 and 3. Thank you so much for following our tips so far! We hope these articles have helped you and our students with doing their homework. This month will be the sixth part of the series, and we’re going to talk about how to do Activity 5: Writing. Activity 5 is done before B weeks to prepare for the Badge Test and practice the students’ writing skills. Activity 5 is a good opportunity to allow students to think for themselves and work independently. When done well, Activity 5 will allow students to practice their writing skills and work independently. Students should take their time reading the question and possible answers carefully and then neatly writing each letter of their chosen answer. It would be best to do this activity without any time limits and at a time when students can take as much time as they need to complete the activity without rushing.

Here are some tips on how to do Activity 5 effectively. First, students should try to read the questions and answers on their own without help from parents. If they need help, they should use classroom language like:

“How do you say this word?”
“How do you say squeeze in Japanese?”
“How do you write the letter H?”

Second, there are usually 3 choices for the answers, only 1 answer is correct, the remaining 2 answers are wrong. Students should read all the options and cross out the 2 wrong answers and then write down the correct answer in the space provided. Students should try to write the letters as neatly as possible. Students should observe proper spacing between words and be reminded that in English we don’t separate the letters of a word if we need to write in the next line.

X They trap them with th
eir bubbles.
O They trap them with
their bubbles.

Last, when students are finished, parents should then check if the students got the correct answer and have proper spelling. If the students haven’t written the letters or words properly, please don’t hesitate to ask them to erase it and write it again. It’s important to ask students to correct their mistakes so that they don’t develop any bad habits when writing words and letters.

We hope that these tips help make learning together easier and more enjoyable for our parents and students. Thank you again for always working hard with us and for following this series. We are sorry in this year’s booklets some sentences did not fit well in the table cells. This has been resolved for the new 2021 booklets. You can check this website for more instructions. Please let any English-Please staff know if you have any questions or suggestions. We would love to hear if these methods have helped you or if you have other techniques that you use when learning the Badge Homework Booklet content.
