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これらのヒントを参考にして、保護者の方と生徒さんが一緒に学習することがよりスムーズで楽しいものになることを願っています。websiteをご覧ください。また、すべての生徒がReading Treeでより積極的に活動することを強くお勧めします。読書は、若い心の創造性と言語能力を開発する素晴らしい方法です。Reading Treeを積極的に利用している生徒や、自分で英語の本を読むのが好きな生徒は、そうでない生徒よりも一歩も二歩も先を行っていることに、私たちは何年も前から気付いていました。ご質問やご提案がありましたら、English-Pleaseのスタッフにお伝えください。これらの方法がお役に立てたかどうか、また、バッジの宿題冊子の内容を学習する際に使用している他のテクニックがあれば、ぜひお聞かせください。

We will be continuing our 6 part newsletter series where we will give advice on how to get the most out of doing the new Badges Homework Booklets for Phonics 1, 2 and 3. This month will be the fifth part of the series, and we’re going to talk about how to do Activity 4: Reading. Activity 4 is done before B weeks to prepare for the Badge Test. Activity 4 is a good opportunity to allow students to think for themselves and work independently. When done well, Activity 4 will allow students to build their confidence by reading and working alone and to help them read for detail. Some of the differences between the sentences can be subtle. In many cases only one word in a full sentence has been changed or omitted but this can change the meaning of the sentence completely.

Here are some tips on how to do Activity 4 effectively. First, parents should help students review only the words or patterns they know the student is struggling with from doing Pre-Activity, Activity 1, Activity 2 and Activity 3. Most words and patterns should be familiar by now. Parents should only check the words that they know the student is struggling with. Once parents have finished helping the students to review, they should leave them alone for 4~5 minutes to read the questions and responses and circle the correct response on their own. Students can refer to Activity 3 for the answers.

Once the student is finished, parents should check their work. If any are wrong, parents should read the sentences back to the students so they can hear it one more time. Parents should wait and see if the student can hear the error. Let them correct their mistakes themselves. When all the answers are correct, good job! Please proceed to Activity 5.

We hope that these tips help make learning together easier and more enjoyable for our parents and students. You can check this website for more instructions. We also highly recommend that all students try to be more active with Reading Tree. Reading is a wonderful way to develop the creativity and language skills of young minds. We have noticed over the years that students who are active with Reading Tree or love to read English books on their own are usually a step or two ahead of their classmates who don’t. Please let any English-Please staff know if you have any questions or suggestions. We would love to hear if these methods have helped you or if you have other techniques that you use when learning the Badge Homework Booklet content.

