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アクティビティ3は、Badge Testに向けての準備だけでなく、文章や語彙の意味の理解度を確認できます。アクティビティ3を使った練習は、ただ書いてある文章を読むのではなく、自然なイントネーションで言葉を発するために行います。
慣れてきたら、普段の会話のように、アイコンタクトを取りながら口にできるといいでしょう。 アクティビティ3を効果的に行うためのコツ。
まずは、全ての単語と文型を指でなぞりながら読むことから始めましょう。単語に指を当てて、お子さんに読んでもらいます。フォニックスを使って、”c-c-c-a-a-a-a-t-t-t-t-c-a-t-cat!”のような単語を発音できるようにします。お子さんが理解できない単語がある場合は、”How do you say ______ in Japanese?”のクラスルームランゲージを使いましょう。
次に、アクティビティ3の文型を使って質問と回答の練習をします。ブックレットの中のActivity 3のお手本を使いながら、交代で質問をしたり答えたりします。
一番長く生き残ったプレイヤーが勝ちです。 最大限、そして楽しく活用できるため、ご質問やご提案があればスタッフにお知らせください。

We will be continuing our 6 part newsletter series where we will give advice on how to get the most out of doing the new Badges Homework Booklets for Phonics 1, 2 and 3. This month will be the fourth part of the series, and we’re going to talk about how to do Activity 3: Speaking. Activity 3 is done before B weeks to prepare for the Badge Test. Carefully doing Activity 3 at home will really help students get used to speaking naturally, using Native speaker pronunciation and speaking without using Katakana pronunciation. The purpose of Activity 3 is to prepare the students for the Badge Test and to make sure that they know the meaning of sentences and can remember the vocabulary. Many times, students keep looking at the sentence patterns from their book so they stop and start talking at an unnatural pace. We want students to be able to practice speaking English naturally while making eye contact the way you normally would in any conversation. Here are some tips on how to do Activity 3 effectively. The first step is to start by finger reading all the words and sentence patterns. Point your finger at the words and have the student read them. Use phonics to help the students pronounce the words like “c-c-c-a-a-a-t-t-t-ca-t-cat!” If there are words that the student doesn’t understand, please use the classroom language “How do you say ______ in Japanese?” You can then check the student’s knowledge of the vocabulary by asking them to translate some words. Point at a word from the table in Activity 3 and ask them “How do you say ______ in Japanese?” Do this until the student is confident that they know the meaning of all the words and are comfortable reading the sentence patterns. The second step is to then practice asking questions and answering using the sentence patterns in Activity 3. Take turns asking or answering questions while using the model on Activty 3 in the book. Do this a few times until the student is comfortable asking and answering questions without needing to look down at their books. The third step is to play the Q&A game. Each player starts with 3 lives (3 poker chips for example or 3 checkers) then a ‘life’ is taken away each time someone makes a mistake with the grammar, vocabulary or facts from Activity 3. The player that stays alive the longest wins! We hope that these tips help make learning together easier and more enjoyable for our parents and students. You can check this website for more instructions. Please let any English-Please staff know if you have any questions or suggestions. We would love to hear if these methods helped you or if you have other techniques that you use when learning the Badge Homework Booklet content.

