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今月もフォニックス1、2、3の新しいBadges Homework Bookletを最大限に活用するためのニュースレターシリーズ。

第3弾の今回は、English-Please Buildersのウェブサイトの「Activity 2 Listening」のやり方についてお話しします。

聴いて理解することは、文章を読むときにも同じスキルを使うので、英文の読解力の向上にもつながります。 2つ目の目標は、ネイティブスピーカーの発音に慣れること。ネイティブスピーカーの「アクセント」に慣れることができるため、ネイティブスピーカーの英語をよりよく理解できるようになります。
①English-Please Builders websiteの音声を再生します。
③最も重要で楽しいパート。保護者様は音声を再生し、それぞれの質問ごとに一時停止し、ネイティブスピーカーの発音を真似します。ネイティブスピーカーの発音を真似しながら、保護者様とお子様が、Q & Aを交代で聞いたり答えたりします。

We will be continuing our 6 part newsletter series where we will give advice on how to get the most out of doing the new Badges Homework Booklets for Phonics 1, 2 and 3. This month will be the third part of the series, and we’re going to talk about how to do Activity 2 Listening on the English-Please Builders website. Activity 2 is done on A weeks after students learn the new badge pack. Carefully doing Activity 2 at home will really help students get used to listening to Native speaker pronunciation and speaking without using Katakana pronunciation. Activity 2 has two main goals that students should achieve when they complete this activity. The first goal is to practice listening comprehension. Speaking English is important, but listening is just as important because if we can’t understand what the other person is saying, then we cannot answer them and use what we’ve learned! Listening comprehension tests our knowledge of the vocabulary and if we can put the words we’ve heard together and understand their meaning. Listening comprehension also improves reading comprehension because we use the same skills when we read text. The second goal is for the students to get used to Native speaker pronunciation. This means that if they meet a Native speaker or watch or hear a Native speaker speaking English, they will be able to understand them better because they are familiar with their accent. This also helps improve the student’s pronunciation because they will get used to the Native speaker pronunciation rather than the Katakana pronunciation. To speak well, you must first listen well. We recommend doing these 3 steps to get the most out of doing Activity 2. The first step is to play the audio from the English-Please Builders website while the student has their book open in front of them and they try to follow reading the book silently while listening to the audio. The second step is to play the audio again, but this time the student is ready with a pencil to encircle the correct answer to each number. We recommend that students do steps 1 and 2 using earphones so they can hear the audio clearly. Parents should then check if they got the answers correct by playing the audio without earphones. Play back the audio for numbers they have missed or made a mistake on until they get the correct answer. The third and last step is probably the most important and most fun. Parents should play the audio and pause it after every number and mimic the pronunciation of the Native speaker. Parents and kids should also take turns asking and answering each number while trying to mimic the Native speaker pronunciation. Avoid using Katakana pronunciation like ‘sarada’ for ‘salad’ or ‘raisu’ for ‘rice’. To make things even more fun, parents can download the Google Translate app on their phone to check their pronunciation. You can download the app for iOS here and for Android here. Select English as the main language and then use the ‘voice’ feature. Once the voice feature is activated, speak into the mic asking or answering the questions from the booklet. If you pronounced the words correctly, the correct English words should appear on the phone. See who can get every word right and just have fun with it! We hope that these tips help make learning together easier and more enjoyable for our parents and students. Please let any English-Please staff know if you have any questions or suggestions. We would love to hear if these methods help you or if you have other techniques that you use when learning the Badge Homework Booklet content.
