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このニュースレターシリーズでは、フォニックス1、2、3のBadges Homework Booklet(動物の”写真”が表紙)を最大限に活用するためのヒントをお伝えしていきます。今月は、シリーズの第2弾、English-Please Buildersのウェブサイトでのアクティビティ1「Reading, Speaking, Translating」のやり方について。


まず一つ目、授業で習ったフォニックスを使って、読む力を伸ばすこと。P123コース全体の主な目標は、リーディング・読み方を学ぶことです。そのためには、リーディングの練習をする機会をできるだけ多く与えてあげることが、大きく成長につながるでしょう。保護者の方は、99 Phonics Master list on EPKids or 99 Phonics Master list on EPBuilders でお子さんとフォニックスを使いながら単語の発音を確認することができます。単語全体を読み聞かせるのではなく、文字のフォニックスについてのヒントを与えることで、お子さんが自分で単語を発音できるようにすることが重要です。もし単語全体を読み聞かせてしまうと、文字の読み方(フォニックス)を実際に自分で学ぶのではなく、大人が言ったことを繰り返すだけになってしまいます。

例えば、「Yes, they can」の読み方を教えたいのであれば、次のように読んであげましょう。

Y-y-ye, s-s-s, ye-s, yes. Th-th-th, ey-ey-ey, th-ey, they. C-c-ca, n-n-n, ca-n, can. Yes, they can.


“how do you say that in Japanese?”
“how do you say that in English?”


例えば、”I can see the best “の言い方を練習しているとします。

生徒さん。How do you say that in Japanese?
親: わたしは一番よく見えるよ。
親: How do you say that in English?
生徒さん: I can see the best!

こちらのページのにやり方の完全ガイドがあります! EP!Kids Homework.


We will be continuing our 6 part newsletter series where we will give advice on how to get the most out of doing the new Badges Homework Booklets for Phonics 1, 2 and 3. This month will be the second part of the series, and we’re going to talk about how to do Activity 1 Reading, Speaking, Translating on the English-Please Builders website.

Activity 1 is done on A weeks after students learn the new badge pack. Carefully doing Activity 1 at home will really help students get used to the new sentence patterns that they just learned in class so that they will have a much easier time during their Badge Test the next week. Activity 1 has two main goals that students should achieve when they complete this activity.

The first goal is for them be able to practice their reading skills by applying the phonics that are taught in class. We must never forget that the main goal of the entire P123 course is for students to learn how to read. Because of this, we need to really focus on giving students as many opportunities as possible to practice reading. Parents can use our 99 Phonics Master list on EPKids or 99 Phonics Master list on EPBuilders to help them teach students how to pronunce the words in the Badges Homework Booklet. It is important to try and help students pronounce the words on their own by giving them hints on the phonics of the letters instead of just reading the entire word to them. If we read the entire word to them, they will just be repeating what we say instead of actually learning how to read letters on their own.

For example, if we want to teach the students how to read “Yes, they can” we should read it to the students like this

Y-y-ye, s-s-s, ye-s, yes. Th-th-th, ey-ey-ey, th-ey, they. C-c-ca, n-n-n, ca-n, can. Yes, they can.

The second goal is for students to practice one of the most important classroom language we always teach students. Which are:

“how do you say that in Japanese?”
“how do you say that in English?”

They can apply these sentences even when they are adults even outside the classroom. So, it is important that they master this when they are children and never forget it as they grow up.

For example, if we are practicing how to say “I can see the best”

Student: How do you say that in Japanese?
Parent: わたしは一番よく見える!
Parent: How do you say that in English?
Student: I can see the best!

We have a complete guide on how to do this on this page EP! Kids Homework.

We hope that these tips help make learning together easier and more enjoyable for our parents and students. Please let any English-Please staff know if you have any questions or suggestions. We would love to hear if these methods help you or if you have other techniques that you use when learning the Badge Homework Booklet content.

宿題を見る : https://english-please.builders/
宿題の仕方 : https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/homework/
99 Phonics Master list : https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/99phonics-quizlets/
