ハロウィーンだ!もうすぐだ!月は明るくまん丸で、いつもは見えない何かがこの夜だけは見えるのです:悪鬼にガイコツ、幽霊も、悪巧み顔のゴブリンは争い事の真っ最中 狼人間が墓から舞い戻り、魔女たちは魔法のほうきで空を舞う。パーテーにおいでよ!ハロウィーンだ!
Halloween is coming to English-Please in October!!! This event will have some great games which are to be announced in the next newsletter. Keep your eyes open for more details in September’s newsletter. In the meantime, here is a poem to put you in the Halloween mood… It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween! The moon is full and bright And we shall see what can’t be seen on any other night: Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls, Grinning goblins fighting duels, Werewolves rising from their tombs, Witches on their magic brooms. Why not join us for the party, It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!