橿原 0744 20 3866・田原本 0744 48 0040・木津川 0774 26 7092 info@english-please.com

Great job EYFT Thursday 19:00 class.「ボランティア活動」をトピックとしたレッスンの時、みんなは事前に質問を見ることができませんでした。
Great Job!

Great job EYFT Thursday 19:00 class. They didn’t have the questions prior to the lesson for preparation. We went over the questions and model answers at the beginning of the lesson. The subject was “Volunteer Work”. The class did an excellent job answering the questions and had no problem understanding the topic. This is very difficult to do without having time to prepare. These students will be going to college next year and I’m sure the will do very well in English. Great job!
