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アクティビティ名:Today’s words/ Kids Express Yourself! (Activity1とactivity2 – 毎週)





最初の2つのアクティビティは、クラス内で出てきたよくあるQ&Aをおさらいします。多くはPhonics 1,2,3のバッジパックとAnimal Planetでカバーされているので、パターンには馴染みがあるはずです。ご家庭でお子さんと一緒にQ&Aを練習することができます。



子どもたちはコンピュータゲームが大好きですよね!オンラインの “Quizlet”フラッシュカードを単語ゲームに変えましょう。

アクティビティ名:My Expornents and Diary(アクティビティ3 – 毎週)





このアクティビティを上手に利用するためには、EP-Kidsマイページ下部のダウンロードページで、Cambridge YLE Grammar Guide(Part of Speech/品詞)を是非ダウンロードしていただけたらと思います。 https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/downloads/

このアクティビティは、日記を書く自信がないお子さんを助けるためにとても有効です。ここではお子さんたちに “代替方法”を練習してもらいます。お子さんがしなければならないことは、単語を1つ置き換えるだけで、お子さんご自身のことを書くことができます。保護者様が少しだけ手助けをしていただけば、間違って書くことはなかなかないかと思います。YLEの日記でポイントの高い “正確さ”のスコアにつながります。英語の書き言葉の正確さと言う点で、なぜ文法が重要なのかを説明している、よくできた文法の入門となります。

アクティビティ名:YLE Diary(毎週)

宿題やクラス内で実施:YLE Diary




日記を書くことは、3年間のYLEプログラムで一番大変で、同時に最もやりがいのある部分です。そしてコースの主な目的でもあります。 日記が有効活用されていてば、ほとんどの子どもたちが、3年後には自ら文章を書くことができるようになり、一生もののスキルとなります。


このアクティビティでは「講師に間違いを訂正される瞬間が何より重要」です。先生から間違いを正してもらうことこそが、お子さんの文法の足りていない隙間を埋めるために本当に重要になります。何度も間違って、何度も訂正されることがYLEの日記を書く過程では重要です。 https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/mydiary/ に日記を書くためのガイドがありますのでそちらも参考にしてみてください。


親御さんへ向けて日記を読む – ママとパパはあなたが頑張っている姿を見るのが大好きです。

アクティビティ名:Vocabulary Code Breaker(アクティビティ4 – A週)











このクイズでは前述のVocabulary Code Breakerのおさらいができ、さらに単語の発音も確認できます。同じくクイズレットなので、オンラインゲームに変換することができます。
ただし注意点が1つあります。一部のドキュメンタリーにはたくさんの単語が出てきます。 YLEでは、ここにでくる全ての単語を暗記する目的で作られていません。ただ、一度見聞きしている単語だと後に出会ったときになんとなく認識できるものなので、単語の難しさや多さは心配しないでくださいね。


お子さんたちはコンピュータゲームが大好きですね!オンラインのクイズレットのモードを変えて、ゲーム感覚で楽しんでいただけます。必要な方は、EP-Kidsマイページ下部より、YLEドキュメンタリー動画の台本をダウンロードして印刷もしていただけます。 https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/downloads/わからない単語に日本語を書き加えるなどしていただけます。

アクティビティ名:ドキュメンタリー動画とドキュメンタリークイズ(アクティビティ5 – A週)








アクティビティ名:YLE-S Answers to Question(アクティビティ6 – A週)





短いけれども、特にYes/Noクエスチョンの文法向上のために必要なアクティビティです。Phonics 1,2,3のアニマルプラネットでいつも使っていたパターンで、お子さんたちは答えること自体にはよく慣れています。次のステップとして自ら質問ができるようになる必要があります。



アクティビティ名:Lexis(アクティビティ7 – A週)








アクティビティ名:Phoneme linker + Phoneme focus + KHK Listening Quiz(アクティビティ4&5&6 – B週)





EP-KidsのWebサイトには、フォニックスや発音をチェックしていただけるオンラインガイドがあります。 https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/44-phonemes/ここでは全ての英語の音を聞き、音を表すシンボル(/i:/ → eeなど)に慣れることができます。正確に発音ができればできるほど、英語が聞き取りやすくなるので、発音は英語学習において非常に重要なスキルです。発音のレッスンはそれぞれ異なりますが、内容に沿って学習していただけます。


親子でA / Bゲームをしてみましょう!

アクティビティ名:Category Chaos(アクティビティ7 – B週)





有効的に活用するため、ダウンロードページからCambridge YLE Grammar Guide(Parts of Speech/品詞)のダウンロードをお勧めします。 https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/downloads/ どのコースでも文法のポイントの説明があるので、文法用語に慣れるようにしておいてくださいね(例:「単数形」は英語では「Singular」)

他のアクティビティど同様に、解答のガイドはhttps://ep-kids.com/student_pages/yle-marking-guides/ からダウンロードいただけます。ガイドを使いながら、ご自身の答えをチェックしてみてください。もし答えを間違えたら、なぜ間違えたのかを探るようにしてみてください。もしよくわからなければ、お家の方や先生に相談してください。

アクティビティ名:Translation Gap Fill(アクティビティ8 – B週)






こちらも他のアクティビティ同様に、解答のガイドがhttps://ep-kids.com/student_pages/yle-marking-guides/ からダウンロードしていただけます。ガイドでご自身の答えをチェックしてください。あとは同じく、答えを間違えていたら、なぜ間違えたのかを探る、そしてもしよくわからなければ、お家の方や先生に相談してください。

Thank you as always for choosing English-Please!

This year we have a large number of students starting YLE-Starters so this month (and last month) I’d like to provide some background and advice about making the most of this unique and perennially popular English language program.

Last week, I covered the background of the course and emphasized the need to choose what parts of YLE you think are best for you and your child. Unless you have a lot of time every week to commit to YLE, it is very hard to do everything thoroughly, and that is the idea: you do what is right for you.

But with so many components, which can/should you concentrate on? I’d like to take the opportunity to take each component and explain why it exists and why it may be best for your child. I’ll take the homework components in turn this month and cover the in-class content in July.

As you can see, the recommended time for YLE homework is about 2 to 2.5 hours of homework PER WEEK!! Most children do not have time to do this, so which parts you complete is up to you. It there for your benefit and teachers are trained not to expect everything. However, the more you do the more you benefit. It is also free of charge!

So please decide with your son or daughter how much or how little they can or should do and please make sure of the most important part of the course; to enjoy understanding and creating English language!

Matthew Reynolds

Component Name: Today’s words/Kids Express Yourself! (Activity 1 and Activity 2 – all weeks)

Homework or In-class: Homework (Booklet) + Online (ep-kids.com)

Recommended Time: 15 mins

Purposes: Review P123 Badges, Create Diary Content, Prepare for Class, Get to Know Teachers, Prepare for Eiken Speaking Tests.


The first two homework activities recycle common basic Q&A that come up in class. Many of the patterns should be familiar as many were covered in Phonics 123 badge packs and Animal Planet. You can practice the Q&A at home for parent and child, the teacher reviews your answers and ability to recall the questions every class. Teachers will feedback on pronunciation and any bad grammar. You can recycle the patterns for use in the diary. Many of the patterns are used in Eiken speaking tests, so spending 15 mins on this each week is both fun and worthwhile.

Making it fun:

Kids love computer games! Use the online “Quizlet” digital flashcards to turn the vocabulary into a game.

Component Name: My Exponents and Diary (Activity 3 – all weeks)

Homework or In-class: Homework (Booklet)

Recommended Time: 10 mins

Purposes: Diary accuracy, introduction to grammar.


To use this activity well, it is worth downloading the Cambridge YLE Grammar Guide (Parts of Speech / 品詞) on the downloads page; https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/downloads/. This activity is meant to support kids who are not confident about writing Diaries. The idea is that kids use “substitution method”, all the child has to do is to substitute one word and they have written a sentence about themselves. With a little help from a parent, this is almost impossible to get wrong and can lead to very high “accuracy” scores on YLE Diary. It is also an excellent introduction to grammar and why grammar is an important tool when checking the accuracy of written English.

Component Name: YLE Diary (all weeks)

Homework or In-class: YLE Diary

Recommended Time: 20 mins

Purposes: Learn to write. Learn to create sentences. Get to know your teacher better. Improve grammar. Improve penmanship.


Writing a diary is both the most challenging and the most rewarding part of the 3 year YLE program. It is also the main purpose of the course; after 3 years if the diaries are used well, most kids learn to write in English, a skill they can use for the rest of their lives. The best way to approach diary writing is to use the patterns from Activity 3 in order to get a high accuracy score. From there, start making sentences from zero and telling stories. These sentences need to be very simple at first and don’t go too crazy at the YLE-Starters level. Accept low scores for originality when YLE-S. However, as you progress to the higher levels, experiment more, try to create 2 clause sentences and try by YLE-F to say what you actually want to say. The diary does NOT need to be truthful, the teacher will not know what is and what is not fact. When the teacher gives corrections, it is important to study these as they all teach you the most important gaps in your understanding of English grammar. There is a comprehensive guide to diary writing online at https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/mydiary/.

Making it fun:

Read the diary to your parent(s) – Mum and Dad love reading and appreciating your work.

Component Name: Vocabulary Code Breaker (Activity 4 – A weeks)

Homework or In-class: Homework (Booklet)

Recommended Time: 12 mins

Purposes: Increase vocabulary, improve spelling, prepare for documentary video.


This is a simple activity that turns the vocabulary learning you need to do before the video into a puzzle. The translation matching is easy (you may use a dictionary or smartphone to look things up) and the uncovering of the word is fun. This is a great lead in to the video and is fun.

Component Name: Documentary Quizlet (A weeks)

Homework or In-class: Online (ep-kids.com)

Recommended Time: 20 mins

Purposes: Increase vocabulary, improve spelling, prepare for documentary video.


This Quizlet re-enforces the Vocabulary Code Breaker but gives the pronunciation of the words and because it is a Quizlet, it can be turned into an online game. One thing to be aware of though; some documentaries have a LOT of vocabulary. YLE kids are NOT expected to memorize and recall this much vocabulary. However, they may be able to recognize the words in the future if they are introduced to the words here. They can also

Making it fun:

Kids love computer games! Use the online “Quizlet” digital flashcards to turn the vocabulary into a game. You can also download and print off a full typescript of every YLE documentary from the homepage; https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/downloads/. You can have fun searching for the words in the typescript and labeling them in Japanese.

Component Name: Documentary Quizlet (A weeks)

Homework or In-class: Online (ep-kids.com)

Recommended Time: 20 mins

Purposes: Increase vocabulary, improve spelling, prepare for documentary video.


This Quizlet re-enforces the Vocabulary Code Breaker but gives the pronunciation of the words and because it is a Quizlet, it can be turned into an online game. One thing to be aware of though; some documentaries have a LOT of vocabulary. YLE kids are NOT expected to memorize and recall this much vocabulary. However, they may be able to recognize the words in the future if they are introduced to the words here. They can also

Making it fun:

Kids love computer games! Use the online “Quizlet” digital flashcards to turn the vocabulary into a game. If you want to have analogue fun, you can download and print off a full typescript of every YLE documentary from the downloads page ; https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/downloads/. You can have fun searching for the words in the typescript and labeling them in Japanese.

Component Name: Documentary Planet Video and Documentary Quiz (Activity 5 – A weeks)

Homework or In-class: Online (ep-kids.com)

Recommended Time: 30 mins

Purposes: Increase vocabulary, improve listening, improve pronunciation, learn about the world around us.


Watching the videos can be fun, especially when coupled with the documentary quiz. To make the most of the video, try watching a few times to get the gist, then do the quiz. Try watching again whilst looking at the tapescript which you can download from from the downloads page ; https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/downloads/. Try doing the quiz again. Comparing the sounds from the voice with the words on the page is an excellent way to improve pronunciation and listening.

Making it fun:

Try to test and be tested on the facts and figures of the documentary. You will be asked about these facts and figures during the next lesson.

Component Name: YLE-S Answer to Question (Activity 6 – A weeks)

Homework or In-class: Homework (Booklet)

Recommended Time: 5 mins

Purposes: Improve grammar.


This is a short but necessary activity to improve grammar, especially YES NO questions. The patterns are familiar from Phonics 123 Animal Planet, but kids are too used to answering and need to be able to form the questions not just respond to them.

Making it fun:

Try to apply YES NO questions to the facts and figures in the Documentary.

Component Name: Lexis (Activity 7 – A weeks)

Homework or In-class: Homework (Booklet)

Recommended Time: 15 mins

Purposes: Improve vocabulary, improve spelling, review phonics.


This activity review and introduces useful vocabulary that can often come up in Eiken or Cambridge Eiken tests. You need to be familiar with the spelling of these common words and so use a smartphone or dictionary to look up the words, writing them out letter by letter will remind kids of how each word is spelled.

Making it fun:

Use classroom language to test your parents or sibling’s knowledge.

Component Name: Phoneme Linker + Phoneme Focus + KHK Listening Quiz (Activity 4 & 5 & 6 – B weeks)

Homework or In-class: Homework (Booklet)

Recommended Time: 10 mins

Purposes: Improve pronunciation, improve listening, increase vocabulary.


There is a very useful online guide to pronunciation on the ep-kids website; https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/44-phonemes/. Here, you can hear all the sounds of English and get used to their symbols. Pronunciation is a very important skill in English as the more you can accurately pronounce English, the easier it is to hear. Each pronunciation lesson is different, but work through the contents as it appears in the book.

Making it fun:

Try to play A/B games with your parents, pronunciation is always fun!

Component Name: Category Chaos (Activity 7 – B weeks)

Homework or In-class: Homework (Booklet)

Recommended Time: 10 mins

Purposes: Improve grammar, increase vocabulary.


To use this activity well, it is worth downloading the Cambridge YLE Grammar Guide (Parts of Speech / 品詞) on the downloads page; https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/downloads/. Each grammar point will come up again and again in any and every English course so try to get familiar with the grammar terms (eg. “単数形” in English is “Singular”). As with all of these activities, the answer guide can be downloaded online at https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/yle-marking-guides/. Do the activity, check your answer using the guide. If you were wrong, try to work out why. If you can’t work out why, ask a parent or the teacher.

Component Name: Translation Gap Fill (Activity 8 – B weeks)

Homework or In-class: Homework (Booklet)

Recommended Time: 10 mins

Purposes: Improve grammar, increase vocabulary, increase confidence


During high school and university, kids are constantly being asked to translate J>E or E>J. This is daunting at first but this simple and fun puzzle can give you confidence. It also review a lot of recent vocabulary. As with all of these activities, the answer guide can be downloaded online at https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/yle-marking-guides/. Do the activity, check your answer using the guide. If you were wrong, try to work out why. If you can’t work out why, ask a parent or the teacher.
