橿原 0744 20 3866・田原本 0744 48 0040・木津川 0774 26 7092 info@english-please.com

先生たちもコスチュームを着ているので、誰だかわからないサンタクロースがいたら『Who are you?』と聞いてみてね!

It is finally that time of the year! We are going to be having a Christmas week from the 8th to the 12th of December. Our cafe will be closed for the week as we will be having special games and activities in the cafe. Please wear Christmas-themed clothes if you’d like and let’s experience the magic of Christmas together! All English-Please! staff will be wearing a special costume that you all get to see when you come to our school. Don’t be afraid to ask “Who are you?” if you don’t recognize someone when they’re having their costume on. For me, Christmas is all about being kind to one another, spending quality time with family and friends, and of course… presents!! Although I won’t be able to meet and spend time with my family this year, I’m glad that I’m part of the big English-Please! family that you all are a part of. I wish you a wonderful Christmas and let’s get into the Christmas spirit!