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毎年恒例の「リーディングツリー選手権」の優勝者発表の季節がやってきました!2020年は、様々な理由で私たち全員にとって困難な年でした。数ヶ月間家に閉じこもっていたり、スケジュールがひっくり返ったり、コロナウイルスが頭をよぎったりしたにもかかわらず、生徒たちはなんとかリーディングツリーを使い続けてくれました。新入生も本格的に利用を始め、短期間でたくさんのポイントを獲得しました。Reading Treeを利用していたベテランの生徒たちは、本やリーディングシートを借りたり、小テストを受けたりして、高得点を獲得していきました。本当にすごいことだと思います。
English-Please!のスタッフ一同、この1年の間にReading Treeに参加してくれた皆さんに感謝しています。もしかしたら、来年のチャンピオンリストにあなたの名前が載るかもしれません。それでは、以下の方々にお祝いの言葉を贈りたいと思います。

EP!キッズNo.1 – Subaru Boss、107,737ポイント(合計RTポイント)
EP!アダルトNo.1 – Kazushige Mini、21,550ポイント(合計RTポイント)
Pre-Phonics ABC No.1 – Kei Dude、52,417ポイント(2020年度43,735 RTポイント獲得)
Phonics 123 No.1 – Yuri Buster 61,116ポイント(2020年度48,703 RTポイント獲得)
YLE-SMF No.1 – Kotaro Patchy、20,103ポイント(2020年度15,338 RTポイント獲得)
Word kids and EYFT – Suzuka Rusty、2,375ポイント(2020年度785 RTポイント獲得)
Most Promising Reader(年齢 vs スコアで選出)
#1 – Minato Lion、499ポイント(2020年度357 RTポイント獲得)
#2 – Hanae Moon、24,733ポイント(2020年度15,893 RTポイント獲得)
#3 – Kaoru Sunshine、27,284ポイント(2020年度18,784 RTポイント獲得)
Champion Parent (読書サポート) – トップ10に2人のお子さん!Boss Sunshine(2020年度85,708 RTポイント獲得)


It’s time once again to announce the winners of our annual Reading Tree Championships! 2020 was a difficult year for all of us for a number of reasons. Despite being stuck at home for a few months, having our schedules turned upside down, and having the corona virus hanging over all of our heads, students still managed to keep using the Reading Tree. New students started using the service in earnest and earning a lot of points in a short time. Reading Tree veterans continued to borrow books and Reading Sheets, take the quizzes, and improve upon their already high scores. It truly has been quite amazing.

Everyone at English-Please! thanks everyone who has participated in the Reading Tree in the past twelve months. Keep reading and maybe you will see your name in the list of next year’s champions!

And now, without further ado, I would like to congratulate following people:
Best in School, Kids (Total RT Points) – Subaru Boss, with 107,737 total RT Points
Best in School, Adults (Total RT Points) – Kazushige Mini, with 21,550 total RT Points
Best in PPABC (Greatest Achievement) – Kei Dude, with 52,417 total RT Points (43,735 RT Points earned in 2020)
Best in P123 (Greatest Achievement) – Yuri Buster, with 61,116 total RT Points (48,703 RT Points earned in 2020)
Best in YLE-SMF (Greatest Achievement) – Kotaro Patchy, with 20,103 total RT Points (15,338 RT Points earned in 2020)
Best Teen, WK123 & EYFT (Greatest Achievement) – Suzuka Rusty, with 2,375 total RT Points (785 RT Points earned in 2020)
Most Promising Reader #1 (Age vs Score) – Minato Lion, with 499 RT Points (357 RT Points earned in 2020)
Most Promising Reader #2 (Age vs Score) – Hanae Moon, with 24,733 RT Points (15,893 RT Points earned in 2020)
Most Promising Reader #3 (Age vs Score) – Kaoru Sunshine, with 27,284 RT Points (18,784 RT Points earned in 2020)
Champion Parent (Reader Support) – Boss Sunshine, with two children in the top ten (85,708 RT Points earned in 2020)
Congratulations again to all of this year’s winners and a great job to everyone who has been active on the Reading Tree. The participation in the past twelve months has been nothing short of incredible, especially considering the year we’ve had. Keep up the good work – you are all champions!

