橿原 0744 20 3866・田原本 0744 48 0040・木津川 0774 26 7092 info@english-please.com

May 26 is fast approaching, which means the English Please Kids Annual Picnic is almost here! Thank you to everyone who has signed up – it should be a great day! Apologies to anyone who has missed out – this is always a popular event and we only have a limited number of spaces available.

For all of those who are coming, we plan to start the day with some free play from 11:00. Kids and teachers can have fun playing together before the events begin. Kids can play with bubble wands, frisbies, and hula hoops, or if they prefer they can playing catch or tag. It’s a nice fun start to the day and provides a little extra time for those families who are arriving after 11:00. Try not to arrive too long before 11:00 though. It’s a long day for the little ones and we don’t want them tired out half way through the event!

Races will start promptly at 11:30 once students have been placed into teams – Red, Blue, and Yellow. There are many different types of races, with the whole thing lasting an hour or so. Kids, teachers, and even parents will need to test their skills at running, balancing balls, and the ever popoular sack race.

Lunch follows the races, from 12:30 to 13:20. After lunch we will have the usual water fights, starting with teachers soaking the kids with water guns, followed up by kids revenge against the teachers with the sponge toss game. Once everyone is soaked through, we will begin the Great 2019 Easter Egg Hunt. This was a new addition to the picnic last year and was such good fun, we decided to try it again. In their teams, kids will explore the picnic grounds looking for plastic eggs containing surprises. We’re all really looking forward to it.

We will finish off the day with a ten-minute hike up to the top of Amagashinoka for a group photo. When we come down from the mountain, we will have a short closing ceremony in which we announce the winning team of the day’s events. This year, everyone will get a prize but the prizes for the winning team will be even better!

Parents, please remember to bring sunblock as it will no doubt be a hot day. You should also bring plenty of water and make sure you take plenty of breaks throughout the day to stay hydrated! And you might want to bring a change of clothes for after the water fights – it can get pretty wet!

Please be advised that parking will fill up fast. Families should try to arrive a little before 11:00, come to the picnic site and drop off the kids and their gear first, before someone (dads!) goes to park the car. Some of the parking areas are quite far from the site so it would be best to avoid the whole family walking from the parking, carrying tents, umbrellas and cooler boxes. You don’t want to tire yourself out before the day has even begun!

For maps and more information, please visit https://ep-kids.com/student_pages/picnic-guide-2019/. See you at the picnic!


5月26日が迫っていますね。English-Pleaseの毎年恒例のピクニックはもうすぐそこまで来ています!すでにお申し込みいただいた皆様、ありがとうございます。素晴らしい一日となるでしょう。まだお申し込みされていない皆様、あと残り数席ありますのでぜひお申し込みください! このピクニックは毎年とても人気で、参加人数を限らせていただいています。





間違いなく暑い日になると思いますので、日焼け止めなどを必ずご持参いただくようお願い致します。また、終日こまめに水分を補給し、十分な休憩を取ってください。そして、ウォーターファイトがあるので着替えを持ってきていただいた方がいいかもしれません – かなり濡れることが予想できます!


