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オックスフォードリーディングツリーシリーズは、非常に有名な「多読」理論を使用しています。 多読は、学習者が楽しいと思えるレベルの対象言語(もちろんEnglish-Pleaseでの対象言語は英語ですね)の本を読むことで、自然と言語学習を手助けすると言う考えに基づきます。多読では本のボリュームは関係はなく、純粋に読書を楽しむことが語学学習に繋がっています。 調査によると、リーディングツリーなどの多読教材を定期的に使用している学生は以下のような結果をよく表すとされています。







その時の両親の表情は小さい頃の良い思い出です。のちに自分が大人になって、あの時の両親の顔は、誇りと感動、そして喜びが混ざった表情だったのだと気づかされました。両親は息子が読書を通して楽しみながら学び、その時を過ごすのをとても喜んでいたのです。 English-Pleaseは、ポイントシステムを導入することで、リーディングツリーを一歩先ゆくものにしました。競争心のある人にはもってこいですね(もちろん私もその一人です)。ログインをした後に本のクイズをすると正答率によってポイントが加算されます。なので、本を読み終わったらreadingtree.netにログインしてクイズに答えて、ポイントを集めましょう。


リーディングツリーは、年齢関係なく大人も子どもも同じように役立てていただける、本当に素晴らしいツールです。物語は面白く、そして何よりも、全部無料です!少なくとも月に一度は本を借りないと、誰も言い訳はできないですね。パッと読めるような本、少し難しめな本、全てはあなた次第です – そしてそれが、多読の理念です。私はこれから毎月1、2冊の本を借りて生まれたばかりの息子に読むつもりです。もしうまくいけば、私の息子も私が経験したようなChipとBiffの思い出をいくつか作れるかなと期待しています。

The Reading Tree is such a wonderful resource. It has helped so many children learn to read in in English. It has introduced them to books which have stimulated their imagination and dreams. English-Please’s Reading Tree uses the highly successful Oxford Reading Tree book series. These books are used in over 130 countries worldwide! The Oxford Reading Tree series uses the highly celebrated Extensive Reading theory. Extensive Reading (E.R.) is the idea that books which are in the students target language (in this case English is the target language for the Japanese students at English-Please) can assist students in learning another language by reading an enjoyable book (no matter the size) and letting them have fun within the target language. Research has shown that the results for students who regularly use E.R. material, such as books on The Reading Tree, are more likely to experience and show the following educational improvements.
Improved reading fluency and speed.
Introduces students to a large array of vocabulary which means the students own vocabulary is ever-expanding.
E.R. gives students the choice of what they want to read and the length of what they want to read.
Teaches students to become aware of English collocations and phrases.
Helps learners understand grammar within it’s real and true context.
I am a product of The Oxford Reading Tree. I know I was taught how to read using the E.R. method throughout my school days in rural New Zealand. I still remember reading about Chip and Biff (and their crazy adventures), who are two popular characters in the Oxford Reading Tree series. Some of my fondest memories are reading a story with Chip and Biff in it to / with my parents and then noticing a certain look on their faces. It wasn’t a bad look; it was pleasant but as a child I didn’t know exactly what it was – but it was an expression of emotion which I liked. Once I reached adulthood, I would later realize that that look was a mixture of pride, wonder and joy. THEIR son was enjoying reading, enjoying learning and spending quality time with them while doing it. English-Please has taken the concept of The Reading Tree one step further by introducing a points system and leaderboard, which is great for those of us who are competitive (I know that I am). The points are calculated by logging in and doing the questions that have been assigned to the book that you checked out. When you finish your book, log into Reading Tree, answer the questions, and collect your points. What are the rewards for all your hard work? For the kids, the rewards are bi-monthly champion badges for the highest placed students per class with the winner at the end of the school year receiving a special prize. For the adults, sorry, no champion badges for you but the highest placed adult will win a prize. The Reading Tree is wonderful, it helps everyone, young and old to learn. The stories are fun and interesting. And best of all, it is all free. No one has an excuse not to get a book at least once a month. Whether it is a quick read or a longer more challenging book, it’s up to you – that is what the Extensive Reading theory is all about. I know I am going to be getting a book or two every month to read to my new son. Hopefully he will have some of the same memories that I have of reading about Biff and Chip.
