橿原 0744 20 3866・田原本 0744 48 0040・木津川 0774 26 7092 info@english-please.com

English-Please!でハロウィンをお楽しみいただけるのは1週間だけ。 10月23日水曜日から始まり、10月29日火曜日が最終日となります。生徒さんたちはこの期間、衣装を着て授業に参加していただけます。もちろん強制ではなく、着たい人だけで大丈夫です。




レッスンはもちろん通常どおり行われますが、「Guess Who」、「The Mystery Box」など、いつもとは違ったハロウィーンゲームやアクティビティがレッスンに登場します。



最後に、このイベントを存分に楽しんでもらうため、ハロウィンについてのお話を紹介しましょう: -幽霊に影はなく、足跡も残しません。 -ニンニクの首飾りをつければ吸血鬼を寄せ付けません。 -狼人間をやっつけるにはシルバーの弾丸。 -幽霊に投げられた鍵は跡形もなく消えてしまいます。 -ろうそくの炎が青い時、それはあなたの家に幽霊がいるということです。 -黒猫の骨を被ると目に見えなくなると信じている人もいます。薄気味悪いですね。


Halloween Is Coming!!! Halloween is coming to English-Please! for ONE week only. It starts on Wednesday October 23rd with Tuesday October 29th being the last day. During this time students can wear costumes during class, but only if they want to. Costumes are not compulsory and students do not have to wear one if they do not want to. But if they want to wear a costume, this is the week to do it. Parents and caregivers, you can wear costumes too if you want. If you do not know what costume you want to wear, here is a list of the most popular costumes from last year. What do you think the number 1 costume will be this year?

Mary Poppins
Black Panther
Violet (The Incredibles)
Winnie the Pooh
Han Solo (Star Wars)
What do you think the number 1 costume will be this year?

Regular lessons will run normally but there will be extra Halloween games and activities in the lessons such as “Guess Who”, “The Mystery Box”, and many more. Sorry parents and other family members, as some of these games require a large space, the café will be closed to you. Thank you for your understanding. But after each lesson you can enter the café to take photos. Candy will be given as a “Trick or Treat” prize, and there is no extra cost – it’s a free week-long event! Lastly, to get you in the mood to come and enjoy, here are some scary facts about Halloween: – Ghosts have no shadows and leave no footprints. – Wearing garlic around your neck will keep vampires away. – Shooting a werewolf with a silver bullet will kill it. – If you throw a key at a ghost, it will disappear. – If a candle flame turns blue this means that a ghost is in the house. – Some people believe that wearing black cat bones makes you invisible. Spooky. Everyone here at English-Please! are looking forward seeing what costumes will be worn by everyone. Have fun!
